
Is the venue accessibility friendly?

The venue has wheelchair access for both floors, the first through an access ramp and the second through a customer/employee elevator that will be manned. We do expect the venue to be very busy, however we will have plenty of volunteers around who will be on the lookout for those struggling to get around, or struggling with crowds or high-traffic areas.

Will there be Toilet Facilities on site?

The venue does have toilet facilities, however, we are not expecting there to be much demand during the event times

Will food or drink be provided?

We are hoping to provide food and drink to ticketed attendees, however, as this is an event that does not have ticketed showcasing slots we are only able to provide refreshments if we can secure a partner or sponsor for this. We’ll update via our social channels (and this page) if we do secure a refreshments and relaxation partner.

If this event is free, why is it ticketed?

To ensure that we don’t overfill the venue we have to limit the number of tickets available. We will release more details on this, and the ticketing system, nearer to the event.


When do submissions close?

Submissions close on the 31st of May. This will give us time to reach out to those who have been selected, and selected in reserve, well ahead of the event.

Is the short description for your game, when submitted through the form, used for marketing material?

No, this is simply for internal vetting ahead of the event. We will reach out for any marketing copy if we do run any promo ahead of our events.

If you have any questions that aren’t answered here, feel free to reach out to us at

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